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Send us a Text Message. Support the Show. Visit www. to leave a review, fan voicemail, and more! Insta @creative_peacemeal_podcast FB @creativepeacemealpod Bonfire
One of my very best friends, and fellow writer's Elizabeth Szubert joins the show to talk shop, but especially about her unique writing journey. Elizabeth Szubert fell in love with the idea of becoming a writer after reading ...
Dr. Rebekah Louisa Smith (aka Rebekah Film Dr) was born in Worcestershire, United Kingdom. From humble beginnings working as a Personal Assistant at lots of corporate companies, she worked her way up to become an award-winnin...
The multi-talented, multi-creative, (and may I say, multi-amazing!) Mk Haley joins the show to discuss everything from her origin story, finding creative purpose, what life was like working for Disney (and beyond), and we dip...
Kentucky based wood artist, Emily Burrice joins the show to discuss everything from taking the creative leap to start her own business (Kentucky Sawdust Creations), to embracing the unknown, the importance of giving back, and...
Actor, Director, and Writer, Dinah Manoff , known for her roles in Grease , Child's Play , Empty Nest , and many more, sits down to discuss her book THE REAL TRUE HOLLYWOOD STORY OF JACKIE GOLD, the importance and impact of t...
It was a pleasure to chat with Sara Lautman about her creative process, what inspires her, art gear, and delving into social injustices in the art and creative worlds. Sara Lautman is an illustrator, cartoonist, and teacher i...
Vickie Lan is a writer, and host of Speculative Sandbox, a podcast that delves into writing tropes with industry professionals. This appearance marks Vickie's return to the podcast. She catches me up on what she's been doing ...
According to his website, Jeff Daly is a writer, artist, cartoonist, director, animator, producer, paper engineer, lecturer and competitive duck herder (the last one’s a joke). In addition to those pursuits, Jeff gives back t...
Firstly, I want to thank all the guests and listeners for supporting the show thus far! 100 episodes is a huge milestone and I am honored to reach it, and look forward to what else is in store for the podcast. It was SO much ...
Steve March-Tormé returns to shoot the breeze about baseball, future projects, and upcoming concerts, and more in this fun episode! Steve joins a small cohort of guests who've made return appearances, and it's a delight to ho...
John Head is a Board Certified-Music Therapist, and a member of the Music Therapy team at Houston Methodist Hospital system. He joins the already illustrious list of Music Therapists who have been a guest on this show, and it...
Pasadena Playhouse, the official State Theater of California, is internationally recognized for its significant role in the development of American theater. One of the most prolific theaters in the country, the Playhouse has ...
Lance Lopez was born in Shreveport, Louisiana. At the age of 12, he moved to Dallas to live with his mother, and then on to New Orleans, two years later, to reside with his father. By the age of 14, Lopez was playing guitar ...