Visit the Self-Care Institute at Support the show Visit www. to leave a review, fan voicemail, and more! Insta @creative_peacemeal_podcast FB @creativepeacemealpod Bonf...
Erica Messer is a professional harpist, and founder of the pet grief support company, Wolfie's Wish. After the sudden passing of her beloved cat, Wolfgang, Erica embarked on a heartfelt quest to find a simple way to cope with...
Dr. Rebekah Louisa Smith (aka Rebekah Film Dr) was born in Worcestershire, United Kingdom. From humble beginnings working as a Personal Assistant at lots of corporate companies, she worked her way up to become an award-winnin...
The multi-talented, multi-creative, (and may I say, multi-amazing!) Mk Haley joins the show to discuss everything from her origin story, finding creative purpose, what life was like working for Disney (and beyond), and we dip...
Kentucky based wood artist, Emily Burrice joins the show to discuss everything from taking the creative leap to start her own business (Kentucky Sawdust Creations), to embracing the unknown, the importance of giving back, and...
Master wedding planner, Jennifer Ball of Knot Your Average Events is back on the show to discuss current trends, running a successful business when life gets messy, the importance of finding time, and so much more. Jennifer B...
Erin Lowry is a writer, speaker, and author coach known for her Broke Millennial book series that helps break down the mysteries and intricacies of finance, from budgets basics, to investing, and more. Her goal is to spread f...
David Libert is more than a musician, and manager. He’s a talented, hard-working household name who worked with many along his unique journey from a kid in Jersey, to being a bandmate, and beyond. You can now ready about his ...
Gena Destri is a semi-abstract expressionist landscape painter. Her pieces are color-oriented and intuitive, celebrating nature, energies, humanity, womanhood and growth. Usually, Destri works from life or photographs to star...
Ami Kunimura returns to the podcast in this episode, specifically focused for professional and student music therapists regarding burnout, and resilience. Ami Kunimura, MA, MT-BC is the founder of The Self-Care Institute and ...
Rachel May from Golden May Editing returns to the podcast for a special "mini-sode"! This episode is also available as a video on YouTube here In this episode, Rachel digs into more things she loves about her career as a book...
Musician and Luthier, Jonathan Wilson of TogaMan GuitarViols makes updated versions of Appreggione’s an instrument from the 1800’s. His instruments can be heard in a variety of places from movies to videogames. We dig into hi...
Fellow Mizzou grad, and my dear friend, Dr. Cynthia Williams Phelps joins the show to discuss her passion for teaching, shares some amazing book recs, discusses the power of music education, and more for Music Appreciation mo...
Co-host of podcast, The Creative Exponent, Marian Parsons j oins the show to discuss her winding creative road, her love of musicals, dispenses fantastic creative advice, dishes on books that inspire her, and more. Marian is ...
Mark Alan Miller is a Western Massachusetts-based recording engineer and sole regular member of the techno-industrial band Out Out. He was the founder and owner of Slaughterhouse Studios before closing it and founding Sonelab...